It can also take the fun out of the game, but that's up to the player. WARNING: Time Travel may lead to lost neighbors and an abundance of weeds that will overtake your town. Now simply buy in the town that's on sunday and go and visit the friend's town and sell there and repeat with new money that you just got from the selling the turnips at like 5 times their normal value and you have a quick method of making huge amounts of bell. You need two players both with Animal Crossing, one has to have a really strong price for turnips like 500 bells in their game (to be honest any price will do but this makes it quicker) and the other time travels (by setting the 3DS clock) to sunday morning. Time Traveling is technically cheating, but people still exploit it to get ahead in the game.
You can change the date and time to manipulate what Bugs and Fish are available, make Bells by appreciating your bank deposits over the new year lapse (You recieve interest returns in your bank account), or skip ahead to force house expansions. You can change the time and date in your town on the New Leaf main menu screen before you enter your village. Make sure there are empty flea-market spaces, though. They will begin replacing their furniture with the shells and their furniture will appear at re-tail for purchase. If a neighbor of yours has a piece of furniture you want, you can get it by sending them seashells.